Clearer IR and a fairer deal for small businesses

Clearer IR and a fairer deal for small businesses

The Fair Work Act plays an important role in providing fairness at work and preventing discrimination against employees. But is the complexity of the industrial relations (IR) framework holding back the potential of Australia’s small businesses?

The Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA) certainly thinks so.

COSBOA launches a new blueprint for IR and small businesses

COSBA has launched a blueprint that proposes a pro-employment workplace relations system that recognises small businesses as a key driver of productivity, jobs and living standards.

COSBOA CEO, Luke Achterstraat, is quoted as saying:

“Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, but the workplace relations framework has become more complex, confusing and costly for them. It’s time to draw a line in the sand”

What are the main aims of the new IR blueprint?

COSBOA is pushing for reform of the work relationships framework that includes:

Review and update to the Fair Work Act: Initiate a comprehensive review of the Fair Work Act, including Awards, conducted by the Productivity Commission.

An update to the definition of a small business: Immediately broaden the definition of a small business under the Fair Work Act to 50 full-time equivalent employees, excluding casual workers.

Explicit support of small business: Insert into Division 2 of the Fair Work Act the explicit goal of ‘reducing the complexity and regulatory burden of workplace relations regulation on the largest private sector employer in Australia: small business’.

Talk to us about your concerns around IR

If you’re feeling the pressure of the current IR framework and compliance with the Fair Work Act, please do come and talk to the team.

We’ll keep you updated on the latest IR legislation and employer requirements, and will suggest ways to relieve the administrative burden.


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